If you have details of any news or events you think would be appropriate for the site please contact
Os oes gynnoch chi newyddion neu ddigwyddiadau y gall fod o bwys i'r safle, cysylltwch
British Legal History Conference 2024 (03-07-2024)
The 2024 British Legal History Conference will be held at Bristol from the 3 rd -6 th July and Welsh
law and the WLHS will be well represented. A session on the morning of Thursday 4 th will
feature papers by Angharad Elias on Dr John David Rhys and Medieval Welsh Law, Sara Elin
Roberts on Aliens in Medieval Welsh Law, and Thomas Glyn Watkin on post-Union legal
knowledge in Renaissance Wales.
The conference, which brings together scholars from all over the world, has its origins in Wales,
the first meeting having taken place in Aberystwyth in 1972.
Cynhadledd Hanes Cyfreithiol Prydain 2024 (03-07-2024)
Cynhelir Cynhadledd Hanes Cyfreithiol Prydain 2024 ym Mryste rhwng 3 a 6 Gorffennaf a bydd cynrychiolaeth dda o gyfraith Cymru a'r WLHS. Sesiwn ar fore dydd Iau 4ydd ewyllys
papurau nodwedd gan Angharad Elias ar Dr John David Rhys a Chyfraith Cymru’r Oesoedd Canol, Sara Elin Roberts ar Estroniaid yng Nghyfraith Cymru’r Oesoedd Canol, a Thomas Glyn Watkin ar wybodaeth gyfreithiol ôl-Undeb yng Nghymru’r Dadeni.
Mae gwreiddiau’r gynhadledd, sy’n dod ag ysgolheigion o bob rhan o’r byd ynghyd, yng Nghymru, a chynhaliwyd y cyfarfod cyntaf yn Aberystwyth yn 1972.
Recent deaths (03-07-2024)
The Society was saddened to hear of the death of the influential scholar of, and writer on, Welsh
Medieval Law, Morfydd Owen in March 2024. The WLHS produced a volume commemorating Morfydd’s achievements in 2022 as its Volume XVII, Cyfarwydd Mewn Cyfraith.
Another sad loss was that of Patrick Polden, a leading historian of legal institutions and the legal profession, and a loyal supporter of the Society. Patrick’s work was celebrated at a symposium in his memory at Brunel University in April 2024, at which his interest in Wales was noted by more than one speaker. His posthumously published The County Court Judges and Stipendiary Magistrates of Wales to 1971 appears as Volume XIX of the Society’s series.
Marwolaethau'n ddiweddar (03-07-2024)
Trist oedd y Gymdeithas o glywed am farwolaeth yr ysgolhaig dylanwadol yn y Gymraeg, a'r llenor Cymraeg
Medieval Law, Morfydd Owen ym mis Mawrth 2024. Cynhyrchodd WLHS gyfrol yn coffau llwyddiannau Morfydd yn 2022 fel ei Chyfrol XVII, Cyfarwydd Mewn Cyfraith.
Colled drist arall oedd colled Patrick Polden, hanesydd blaenllaw o sefydliadau cyfreithiol a'r proffesiwn cyfreithiol, a chefnogwr ffyddlon i'r Gymdeithas. Dathlwyd gwaith Patrick mewn symposiwm er cof amdano ym Mhrifysgol Brunel ym mis Ebrill 2024, lle nodwyd ei ddiddordeb yng Nghymru gan fwy nag un siaradwr. Mae ei gyhoeddiad ar ôl ei farwolaeth The County Court Judges and Stipendiary Magistrates of Wales hyd at 1971 yn ymddangos fel Cyfrol XIX o gyfres y Gymdeithas.
Volume XIII now available (25-08-2016)
Volume XIII of the Society's publications has just been published, edited by Professor T. G. Watkin. It is entitled CYMRY'R GYFRAITH, AMERICA A'R BYD: Welsh Contributions to the Law in America and the Wider World. Details of the volume's contents, together with those of all earlier volumes, may be found at the "Publications" section of this site. more
Cyfrol XIII ar gael (25-08-2016)
Mae Cyfrol XIII o Gyhoeddiadau'r Gymdeithas bellach ar gael, wedi ei olygu gan yr Athro T. G. Watkin. Enw'r cyfrol yw "CYMRY'R GYFRAITH, AMERICA A'R BYD: Welsh Contributions to the Law in America and the Wider World". Cewch gweld manylion y cynnwys, ynghyd â manylion cyfrolau cynharach yn adran "Cyhoeddiadau" y wefan more
Volume VI now available (25-08-2016)
Volume VI of the Society's publications has just been published, edited by Professor T. G. Watkin. It is entitled LAW AND JUSTICE IN THE INTEGRATION OF TWO LANDS: FRANCE AND BRITTANY, ENGLAND AND WALES. Details of the volume's contents, together with those of all earlier volumes, may be found at the "Publications" section of this site. more
Cyfrol VI ar gael (25-08-2016)
Mae Cyfrol VI o Gyhoeddiadau'r Gymdeithas bellach ar gael, wedi ei olygu gan yr Athro T. G. Watkin. Enw'r cyfrol yw "LAW AND JUSTICE IN THE INTEGRATION OF TWO LANDS: FRANCE AND BRITTANY, ENGLAND AND WALES " Cewch gweld manylion y cynnwys, ynghyd â manylion cyfrolau cynharach yn adran "Cyhoeddiadau" y wefan more
Forthcoming Conference (01-03-2016)
2nd September 2016 at the University of Liverpool, London Campus.
Financial Crime Symposium: past lessons, contemporary challenges, and future solutions. This one-day symposium will bring together academics, regulators, and legal practitioners to better understand the changing faces of financial crime and explore innovative approaches to tackling financial misconduct.
This one-day symposium will bring together academics, regulators, and legal practitioners to better understand the changing faces of financial crime and explore innovative approaches to tackling financial misconduct.
The symposium will focus upon a wide range of financial crimes and wider issues of financial practice that have come under public scrutiny in recent years. There shall be a particular focus upon historical financial crime, and the lessons which can be learned from the treatment of financial misconduct historically. Seldom do academics and practitioners have the opportunity to come together and discuss the issues surrounding financial crime in a wider historical context. This event provides a rare opportunity for discussion into the origins of financial crime and how these still impact upon the contemporary regulation and prosecution of financial crime.
Contributions are welcome from regulators, legal practitioners and academics from across disciplines. more
Cynhadledd (01-03-2016)
2nd September 2016 at the University of Liverpool, London Campus.
Financial Crime Symposium: past lessons, contemporary challenges, and future solutions. This one-day symposium will bring together academics, regulators, and legal practitioners to better understand the changing faces of financial crime and explore innovative approaches to tackling financial misconduct.
This one-day symposium will bring together academics, regulators, and legal practitioners to better understand the changing faces of financial crime and explore innovative approaches to tackling financial misconduct.
The symposium will focus upon a wide range of financial crimes and wider issues of financial practice that have come under public scrutiny in recent years. There shall be a particular focus upon historical financial crime, and the lessons which can be learned from the treatment of financial misconduct historically. Seldom do academics and practitioners have the opportunity to come together and discuss the issues surrounding financial crime in a wider historical context. This event provides a rare opportunity for discussion into the origins of financial crime and how these still impact upon the contemporary regulation and prosecution of financial crime.
Contributions are welcome from regulators, legal practitioners and academics from across disciplines. more
Volume XII available (20-10-2015)
Volume XII of the Society's publications has just been published, edited by Professor T. G. Watkin. It is entitled The Welsh Legal Triads and Other Essays. Details of the volume's contents, together with those of all earlier volumes, may be found at the "Publications" section of this site. more
Cyfrol XII ar gael (20-10-2015)
Mae Cyfrol XII o Gyhoeddiadau'r Gymdeithas bellach ar gael, wedi ei olygu gan yr Athro T. G. Watkin. Enw'r cyfrol yw "The Welsh Legal Triads and Other Essays." Cewch gweld manylion y cynnwys, ynghyd â manylion cyfrolau cynharach yn adran "Cyhoeddiadau" y wefan more
New Edition of Bowen's "Statutes of Wales" published (05-02-2015)
The Aberystwyth University Centre for Welsh Legal Affairs ( http://www.aber.ac.uk/en/law-criminology/research/cwla/) takes an interest in all matters of law and criminology in Wales. Devolution has meant that questions of legislation applicable in Wales are very important and the Centre will monitor and comment upon the legislative changes. To mark its involvement the Centre has produced a new facsimile edition of Ivor Bowen�s The Statutes of Wales, a classic text from 1908 which brings together historical statutory materials concerning Wales. The volume has a new introduction by Richard Ireland and is available online from Amazon for £13.20 or in person from the Department at a bargain price of £12.50. (Also available from other Amazon sites at $19.95 or �18.52) more
Cyhoeddiad argraffiad newydd Bowen's "Statutes of Wales" (05-02-2015)
The Aberystwyth University Centre for Welsh Legal Affairs ( http://www.aber.ac.uk/en/law-criminology/research/cwla/) takes an interest in all matters of law and criminology in Wales. Devolution has meant that questions of legislation applicable in Wales are very important and the Centre will monitor and comment upon the legislative changes. To mark its involvement the Centre has produced a new facsimile edition of Ivor Bowen�s The Statutes of Wales, a classic text from 1908 which brings together historical statutory materials concerning Wales. The volume has a new introduction by Richard Ireland and is available online from Amazon for £13.20 or in person from the Department at a bargain price of £12.50. (Also available from other Amazon sites at $19.95 or �18.52) more
Reduced nembership fee for students (20-11-2014)
WLHS has a new new reduced membership rate for UK students. Please see the Membership page for details and a downloadable form.
Aelodaeth ostyngedig i fyfyrwyr (20-11-2014)
Aelodaeth ostyngedig newydd i fyfyrwyr yn y DU. Gwelwch y tudalen aelodaeth, os gwelwch yn dda, am fanylion a ffurflen aelodi.
Cynefin Project (12-08-2014)
This Archive and Records Council Wales-led project, to digitise the tithe maps of Wales, has begun.
Over the next few years, more than one thousand maps and over 36,000 related document will be made available online. more
Prosiect Cynefin (12-08-2014)
Mae'r prosiect hwn i ddigido mapiau degwm Cymru, sy'n cael ei arwain gan Gyngor Archifau Cymru, wedi dechrau.
Yn ystod y blynyddoedd nesaf, bydd dros mil o fapiau a dros 36,000 o ddogfennau cysylltiedig yn cael eu cyflwyno arlein. more
Welsh law must be clearer and more accessible (04-08-2014)
Press release by the Law Commission on the form and accessibility of Welsh law.
Rhaid i gyfraith Cymru fod yn fwy eglur a hygyrch (04-08-2014)
Datganiad newyddion gan y Law Commission ar ffurf ac hygyrchedd o'r gyfraith Gymreig
Darllenwch y datganiad llawn (yn ddwyieithog) isod more
Call for Papers (24-02-2014)
From Dr Coleman A. Dennehy, Department of History at the National University of Ireland, Maynooth.
I am writing to inform you of a Call For Papers for a conference on Irish legal history in the seventeenth century. The conference will explore the theme of law and lawyers in Ireland before, during, and after the Cromwellian Interregnum.
The conference is being held in conjunction with the Irish Legal History Society Winter Discourse, which will also address the topic.
If you have an email list or an appropriate place on your society's website/blog, I would very much appreciate it if you could post the CFP (attached) for the attention of your members, who may find it of interest.
Gan Dr. Coleman A. Dennehy, Adran Hanes, Prifysgol Genedlaethol Iwerdedon, Maynooth.
Rwy'n ysgrifennu i roi gwybod i chi am Galwad am Bapurau ar gyfer cynhadledd ar hanes cyfreithiol Iwerddon yn yr ail ganrif ar bymtheg. Bydd y gynhadledd yn archwilio thema gyfraith a chyfreithwyr yn Iwerddon cyn, yn ystod, ac ar ôl y Cromwell Interregnum.
Mae'r gynhadledd yn cael ei chynnal ar y cyd â Discourse y Gaeaf Cymdeithas Hanes Cyfraith Gwyddelig, a fydd hefyd yn mynd i'r afael â'r pwnc.
Os oes gennych chi restr e-bost neu le priodol ar eich cymdeithas gwefan / blog, byddwn yn gwerthfawrogi yn fawr iawn pe gallech bostio'r CFP (ynghlwm) ar gyfer sylw eich aelodau, a all ei chael yn o ddiddordeb.
Follow the link below to listen to a short introduction. more
Achos Gwenwyno Carno 1914 (19-02-2014)
Fideo Youtube gan Rachael Jones.
Dilynwch y ddolen isod wrando ar gyflwyniad byr. more
2014 Annual Lecture (19-02-2014)
This year's Centre for Welsh Legal Affairs annual lecture will take place in Lecture Room T1 on the Llanbadarn Campus, Aberystwyth University on March 7th, 2014 at 6pm. The speaker will be the Lord Chief justice, Lord Thomas, and the title of the talk is 'Law in the Polity of Wales.'
All welcome.
Darlith Flynyddol 2014 (19-02-2014)
Bydd darlith flynyddol Canolfan Materion Cyfreithiol Cymreig eleni yn cael ei gynnal yn Ystafell Ddarlithio T1 ar Gampws Llanbadarn, Prifysgol Aberystwyth ar Mawrth 7, 2014 am 6:00yh. Bydd yr Arglwydd Thomas, Arglwydd y Brif Ynad, yn siarad a theitl y sgwrs yw 'Law in the Polity of Wales.'
Croeso cynnes i bawb.
Police Diary (24-10-2013)
A new deposit at Ceredigion Archives is an interesting Police Diary for the years 1857-60 which records details of police duties and activities in rural Cardiganshire immediately after the County and Borough Police Act of 1856.
Extracts from this document have been added, with transcription and commentary, to the Research Resources page of this website.
Dyddiadur Heddlu (24-10-2013)
Rhodd newydd yn Archifdy Ceredigion yw Dyddiadur Heddlu diddorol ar gyfer y blynyddoedd 1857-60 sy'n cofnodi manylion am ddyletswyddau a gweithgareddau'r heddlu yn Sir Aberteifi wledig, syth ar ôl y Fwrdeistref Deddf Heddlu 1856 y Sir.
Darnau o'r ddogfen hon wedi cael eu hychwanegu, gyda trawsgrifio a sylwebaeth, at y dudalen Adnoddau Ymchwil ar y wefan hon.
2013 Legal Wales Conference (24-10-2013)
The 2013 Legal Wales Conference was held this year in Cardiff on October 11th and the Society was well represented in a large and enthusiastic audience. Lord Thomas, the Lord Chief Justice, delivered a paper and Mr Keith Bush, Director of the Legal Wales Foundation, delivered this year's Youard Lecture.
The occasion was also marked by the publication of Volume XI of the Society's publications, a tribute to the late Professor Dafydd Jenkins, in which texts of Mr Bush's lecture appear in both Welsh and English. Details of this wide-ranging volume, which may be obtained by contacting the Society, appear on the Publications page of this website.
Cynhadledd Cymru'r Gyfraith 2013 (24-10-2013)
Cynhaliwyd Cynhadledd Cymru'r Gyfraith 2013 yng Nghaerdydd ar 11 Hydref, a chynrychiolwyd y Gymdeithas yn dda, gyda chynulleidfa fawr a brwdfrydig. Cyflwynodd yr Arglwydd Thomas, yr Arglwydd Brif Ustus, bapur, a fe gyflwynodd Mr Keith Bush, Cyfarwyddwr y Sefydliad Cyfreithiol Cymru, Ddarlith Youard eleni.
Nodwyd yr achlysur hefyd gan gyhoeddi Cyfrol XI o gyhoeddiadau'r Gymdeithas, yn deyrnged i'r diweddar Athro Dafydd Jenkins, lle mae testunau darlith Mr Bush yn ymddangos yn Gymraeg ac yn Saesneg. Mae manylion y gyfrol eang, y gellir eu cael drwy gysylltu â'r Gymdeithas, yn ymddangos ar dudalen Cyhoeddiadau y wefan hon.
Legal Wales Conference and Dinner (27-09-2013)
City Hall, Cardiff, Friday 11 October 2013
6 Hrs CPD £95, including lunch and other refreshments (concessionary fee of £50 for students, trainees and pupils)
Conference dinner £40.
Address by the Lord Chief Justice, Lord Thomas.
See link below for more details and booking form. more
Cynhadledd a Chinio Cymru'r Gyfraith (27-09-2013)
Neuadd y Ddinas, Caerdydd, Dydd Gwener 11 Hydref, 2013.
6 Awr DPP £95, gan gynnwys cinio a lluniaeth arall (ffi gostyngol o £50 i fyfyrwyr, hyfforddeion a disgyblion)
Cinio'r gynhadledd £40.
Anerchiad gan yr Arglwydd Brif Ustus, yr Arglwydd Thomas.
Gweler y ddolen isod am rhagor o fanylion a ffurflen bwcio more
Sir John Thomas to be the next Lord Chief justice of England and Wales. (18-07-2013)
The Society is delighted to add its congratulations to its President, Sir John Thomas, following the announcement that he will become the next Lord Chief justice of England and Wales.
Sir John's energy and interest have been indispensable to the Society from the start. He will take over from Lord Judge, himself a long-time member of the WLHS.
Syr John Thomas yw'r Arglwydd Brif Ustus Cymru a Lloegr nesaf. (18-07-2013)
Mae'r Gymdeithas yn falch iawn i ychwanegu ei longyfarchiadau at ei Llywydd, Syr John Thomas, yn dilyn y cyhoeddiad y bydd yn dod yn Arglwydd Brif Ustus Cymru a Lloegr nesaf.
Y mae egni a diddordeb Syr John wedi bod yn anhepgor i'r Gymdeithas o'r dechrau. Bydd yn cymryd drosodd gan yr Arglwydd Judge, ei hun yn aelod hir-amser y CHCC.
21st British Legal History Conference (18-07-2013)
The Society was also represented at the 21st British Legal History Conference held at the University of Glasgow from 10th to 13th July 2013.
For the first time we were delighted to join, inter alia, the Selden Society, Stair Society and Irish Legal History Society in sponsoring the event. Particular items of interest to members included Professor Thomas G. Watkin's paper on 'Jurisdiction and Judicial Authority: The View from Wales', and Professor Sir John Baker's paper 'Dafydd Jenkins and the British Legal history Conference', which latter will be included in the Society's forthcoming volume honouring the great Welsh legal historian.
Cynhadledd Hanes Cyfreithiol Prydain 21ain (18-07-2013)
Bu'r Gymdeithas hefyd yn cael ei gynrychioli yn y Gynhadledd Hanes Cyfreithiol Prydain 21ain, a gynhaliwyd ym Mhrifysgol Glasgow o 10 i 13 Gorffennaf 2013.
Am y tro cyntaf bum yn falch iawn i ymuno, ymhlith eraill, â'r Gymdeithas Selden, Cymdeithas Stair a Chymdeithas Hanes Cyfraith Gwyddelig mewn noddi y digwyddiad. Eitemau penodol o ddiddordeb i aelodau oedd papur yr Athro Thomas G. Watkin ar 'Jurisdiction and Judicial Authority: The View from Wales', a phapur yr Athro Syr John Baker 'Dafydd Jenkins and the British Legal history Conference', yr olaf a fydd yn cael ei gynnwys yng nghyfrol y Gymdeithas sydd i ddod i anrhydeddu'r hanesydd cyfreithiol mawr Cymru.
Society meeting at Oriel Ynys Môn (18-07-2013)
The last Society meeting, on June 29th at Oriel Ynys Môn, Llangefni, was a great success, with a good turnout of members and guests enjoying those papers mentioned in the last news item.
The mood was scholarly but relaxed, the papers and subsequent discussions interesting and informative. The whole was gratifying both in confirming the depth and geographical extent of interest in Welsh legal history and bodes well for the future.
Cyfarfod y Gymdeithas yn Oriel Ynys Môn (18-07-2013)
Roedd cyfarfod y Gymdeithas ar 29 Mehefin yn Oriel Ynys Môn, Llangefni, yn llwyddiant mawr, gyda nifer dda o aelodau a gwesteion yn mwynhau papurau a grybwyllwyd yn yr eitem newyddion diwethaf.
Roedd yr awyrgylch yn ysgolheigaidd ond hamddenol, y papurau a'r trafodaethau dilynol yn ddiddorol, ac yn llawn gwybodaeth. Roedd y cyfan yn foddhaol o ran cadarnhau i ba raddau dyfnder a daearyddol o ddiddordeb sydd yn bodoli mewn hanes cyfreithiol Cymru, ac mae'n argoeli'n dda ar gyfer y dyfodol.
Twitter (02-07-2013)
News of the Society's events, publications etc, will appear within Richard Ireland's twitter feed.
See @Welsh Raffles.
Twitter (02-07-2013)
Bydd newyddion o ddigwyddiadau'r Gymdeithas, cyhoeddiadau, ayyb, yn ymddangos o fewn 'twitter feed' Richard Ireland.
Gweler @Welsh Raffles
Society Meeting in Oriel Ynys Môn (02-07-2013)
The meeting of the Society on Saturday 29th June attracted a good contingent of members and guests to the impressive venue of Oriel Ynys Môn, Llangefni, Ynys Môn.
The meeting passed with its normal mixture of scholarship and informality and was treated to four papers of great interest, as described in the previous item at this site. A challenging and enjoyable day, it was a great success and suggests that North Wales meetings will become a more usual fixture in the Society's calendar.
Cyfarfod y Gymdeithas yn Oriel Ynys Môn (02-07-2013)
Denodd y cyfarfod o'r Gymdeithas ar ddydd Sadwrn 29 Mehefin garfan dda o aelodau a gwesteion i'r lleoliad trawiadol o Oriel Ynys Môn, Llangefni, Ynys Môn.
Daeth y cyfarfod i basio gyda'i gymysgedd arferol o ysgolheictod a anffurfioldeb a chafodd ei drin i bedwar papur o ddiddordeb mawr, fel y disgrifir yn yr eitem flaenorol ar y safle hwn. Diwrnod heriol a phleserus, roedd yn llwyddiant mawr ac yn awgrymu y bydd cyfarfodydd Gogledd Cymru yn dod yn ddigwyddiad mwy arferol yng nghalendr y Gymdeithas.
'Water and the Law' (28-05-2013)
An excellent conference on the theme of 'Water and the Law' was held by the Society in September 2012.
An excellent conference on the theme of 'Water and the Law' was held by the Society in September 2012. The conference was held in Cardiff and attracted papers on a range of subjects. The titles and speakers are given below:
Professor Thomas Glyn Watkin:'Introduction: Water in Welsh Legal History'
Mr. Lukasz Jan Korporowicz (University of Lodz, Poland): 'Curses, Water and the Law'
Dr. Sara Elin Roberts: 'Water in Medieval Welsh Law'
Mr. Gwilym Owen (Bangor University):'The ebb and flow of Welsh Land Law on an Anglesey beach'.
A second Conference on the same theme will be held in Llangefni on June 29th this year for members and their guests. See the Events page for details of the speakers, papers and location. Members and their guests are warmly invited to attend what should be an enjoyable meeting at an attractive venue (for membership details see the Membership page).
Proceedings on the theme will form a forthcoming volume in the Society's series of publications (for details of published proceedings see the Publications page).
'Dŵr a'r Gyfraith' (28-05-2013)
Cynhelwyd cynhadledd ardderchog ar y pwnc 'Dŵr a'r Gyfraith' gan y Gymdeithas ym mis Medi 2012.
Cynhaliwyd y gynhadledd yng Nghaerdydd, gan ddenu phapurau ar amrywiaeth o bynciau. Ceir yma'r teitlau a siaradwyr:
Yr Athro Thomas Glyn Watkin: 'Cyflwyniad:Water in Welsh Legal History'
Mr. Lukasz Jan Korporowicz (University of Lodz, Poland): 'Curses, Water and the Law'
Dr. Sara Elin Roberts: 'Water in Medieval Welsh Law'
Mr. Gwilym Owen (Bangor University): 'The ebb and flow of Welsh Land Law on an Anglesey beach'
Bydd ail Gynhadledd ar yr un pwcn yn cael ei gynnal yn Llangefni ar 29 Mehefin eleni ar gyfer aelodau a'u gwesteion. Gweler y tudalen Digwyddiadau ar gyfer manylion y siaradwyr, papurau a lleoliad. Gwahoddir yn gynnes aelodau a'u gwesteion i fynychu hyn a ddylai fod yn cyfarfod pleserus mewn lleoliad deniadol (am fanylion gweler y tudalen Aelodaeth.
Bydd trafodion ar y bwnc yn ffurfio cyfrol sydd i ddod yn y gyfres o gyhoeddiadau'r Gymdeithas (am fanylion trafodion a gyhoeddwyd gweler y dudalen Cyhoeddiadau.
Dafydd Jenkins Conference Paper (28-05-2013)
Following the death of Dafydd Jenkins the Society is pleased to report that a paper is to be presented.
The paper, on his contribution to the prestigious British Legal History Society, is to be delivered at a Conference at the University of Glasgow in July this year. Professor Thomas Glyn Watkin - the second edition of whose momentous work 'The Legal History of Wales' is now available from the University of Wales Press - will also deliver a paper to the Conference.
The Society will be publishing a special commemorative volume in honour of Professor Jenkins later this year.
Papur Cynhadledd Dafydd Jenkins (28-05-2013)
Yn dilyn marwolaeth Dafydd Jenkins mae'r Gymdeithas yn falch i hysbysebu bydd papur yn cael ei gyflwyno.
Y mae'r papur, ar ei gyfraniad i Gymdeithas Hanes Cyfreithiol Prydain Fawr, yn cael ei gyflwyno mewn cynhadledd ym Mhrifysgol Glasgow ym mis Gorffennaf eleni. Bydd yr Athro Thomas Glyn Watkin - yr ail argraffiad o'i waith pwysig 'Hanes Cyfreithiol Cymru' ar gael nawr o'r Wasg Prifysgol Cymru - hefyd yn cyflwyno papur i'r Gynhadledd.
Bydd y Gymdeithas yn cyhoeddi cyfrol goffa arbennig i anrhydeddu Athro Jenkins yn ddiweddarach eleni.
Professor Dafydd Jenkins (09-05-2012)
The Society is saddened to report the death at the age of 101 of Professor Dafydd Jenkins.
Dafydd's scholarly contribution to the resurgence of interest in medieval Welsh Law is inestimable. He taught at Aberystwyth University from 1965 until his retirement in 1978 and continued his academic work long thereafter. Dafydd was a stalwart supporter of the Welsh Legal History Society from the time it was first mooted and the Society's first volume was dedicated to him. The Society will honour him in a volume which is currently in preparation.
Yr Athro Dafydd Jenkins (09-05-2012)
Mae'r Gymdeithas yn drist iawn o roi gwybod am farwolaeth yr Athro Dafydd Jenkins yn 101 oed.
Mae cyfraniad Dafydd i'r adfywiad o ddiddordeb yng Nghyfraith Gymreig yr Oesoedd Canol yn amhrisiadwy. Bu'n athro ym Mhrifysgol Aberystwyth o 1965 hyd ei ymddeoliad yn 1978 a pharhaodd ei waith academaidd hir ar ôl hynny. Roedd Dafydd yn gefnogwr mawr o'r Gymdeithas Hanes Cyfraith Cymru o'r amser y cafodd ei chynnig cyntaf, a mae'r gyfrol gyntaf y Gymdeithas yn ymroddedig iddo. Bydd y Gymdeithas yn anrhydeddu ef mewn cyfrol sydd ar hyn o bryd yn paratoi.
Latest Society publications (23-02-2012)
The latest volume of the Society's publications was published in February 2012. Edited by T.G.Watkin it is entitled The Garthbeibio Murders and Other Essays
Cyhoeddiadau diweddarach y Gymdeithas (23-02-2012)
Cyhoeddwyd y gyfrol ddiweddarach o gyhoeddiadau'r Gymdeithas ym mis Chwefror 2012. Golygwyd gan T.G.Watkin, y mae'n dwyn y teitl The Garthbeibio Murders and Other Essays
Gwelwch y tudalen Cyhoeddiadau am fwy o fanylion more
New publication (23-02-2012)
Richard Ireland's paper 'Sanctity, Superstition and the Death of Sarah Jacob' was published in February 2012.
The paper is published in A. Musson and C. Stebbings (eds) Making Legal History - Approaches and Methodology.
The Society was pleased to co-operate with the Hywel Dda Centre at Swansea Univesity to host the Youard Lecture which was presented by Lord Morris of Aberavon on 2nd December 2011.
Yr oedd y Gymdeithas yn falch iawn o gydweithio gyda Chanolfan Hyel Dda ym Mhrifysgol Abertawe, i gyflwyno'r Ddarlith Youard, a rododd gan yr Arglwydd Morris o Aberafon, a'r ailfed o Ragfyr 2011.
Again the Society was represented at the Legal Wales Conference held at the Hilton Hotel Cardiff on 7th October 2011.
Under the auspices of the Society an interesting paper was presented by Gwilym Owen of Bangor Law School entitled 'Another Lawyer Looks at Welsh Land Law'.
Click on the link below for details of the 2010 Conference.
Unwaith eto, cynrychiolwyd y Gymdeithas yng Nghynhadledd Cymru'r Cyfraith yng Ngwesty Hilton Caerdydd ar 7fed o Hydref 2011.
O dan enw y Gymdeithas, roddwyd papur diddorol gan Gwilym Owen o Ysgol Gyfraith Fangor, yn dwyn y teitl 'Another Lawyer Looks at Welsh Land Law.'
Cliciwch y dolen isod i weld newyddion o Gynhadledd 2010. more
Second Annual Dodderidge Lecture (25-06-2011)
On 6th June 2011, Richard Ireland delivered the Second Annual Dodderidge Lecture at the Bracton Centre for Legal History Research in the University of Exeter Law School.
The title of the lecture was 'How Common was the Common Law?' more
Ail Ddarlith Flynyddol Dodderidge (25-06-2011)
Ar 6 Mehefin, rhododd Richard Ireland yr ail Ddarlith Flynyddol Dodderidge yng Nghanolfan Bracton ar gyfer Ymwchil Hanes Cyfraith ym Mhrifysgol Exeter.
Teitl y ddarlith oedd 'How Common was the Common Law.
David Hughes Parry - A Jurist in Society (25-06-2011)
R. Gwynedd Parry's 'lucid and enjoyable' biography of David Hughes Parry has just been published by University of Wales Press.
Sir David Hughes Parry QC was probably one of the most powerful and influential Welsh jurists of the twentieth century. This essential new work provides a vivid account of his career as a lawyer, legal scholar, university policy-maker and law reformer, and examines his important contribution to Welsh public life.
Click on the link below for more details or to buy the book: more
David Hughes Parry - A Jurist in Society (25-06-2011)
Y mae Wasg Brifrysgol Cymru wedi cyhoeddu llyfr newydd gan R. Gwynedd Parry.
Yn ôl pob tebyg, roedd Syr David Hughes Parry QC yn un o arbenigwyr cyfreithiol mwyaf pwerus a dylanwadol Cymru yn yr ugeinfed ganrif. Mae'r astudiaeth hanfodol hon yn rhoi portread cyflawn ohono - ei yrfa fel cyfreithiwr, ysgolhaig cyfreithiol, gwneuthurwr polisïau i'r brifysgol, a diwygiwr y gyfraith - ynghyd a'i gyfraniaeth bwysig i fywyd gyhoeddus Cymru.
Cliciwch ar y ddolen isod am fwy o fanylion neu i brynu'r llfyr: more
Dyfed-Powys Police Museum (14-09-2010)
Link to Dyfed-Powys Police Museum
Following a recent visit by a Committee member to view some of the historical artefacts and archival holdings of Dyfed-Powys Police in Ammanford we are pleased to add a link to their information. more
Amgueddfa Heddlu Dyfed-Powys (14-09-2010)
Dolen i Amgueddfa Heddlu Dyfed-Powys
Yn ddilyn ymweliad un aelod o'r gymdeithas i weld achifau'r Heddlu Dyfed-Powys yn Rhydaman, ychwanegwyd dolen i'w gwybodaeth. more
Society Publications (14-09-2010)
Volumes 8 and 9 of the WLHS publications
Volumes 8 and 9 of the WLHS publications were released earlier in 2010. They represent an annotated edition of the Carmarthen Gaoler's Journal 1845-50 by R.W. Ireland and R.I. Ireland. The Journal is a remarkable record of daily life in a Victorian prison at a time of significant penal change. The daily entries of the Governors bring to life personalities and events within the institution, whilst the introductory essays and annotations allow the reader to understand both the creation of the record itself and the nature of the penal world which it records. Details of these and other volumes (which are supplied at no extra cost to Society members) are available at the “Publications” page at this site.
Cyhoeddiau'r Gymdeithas (14-09-2010)
Cyhoeddwyd cyfrolau 8 a 9 o gylchgrawn CCHC
Cyhoeddwyd cyfrolau 8 a 9 o gylchgronau'r CCHC yn gynnar yn 2010. Y maen cynrychioli un fersiwn goliedig o'r Carmarthen Gaoler's Journal am 1845-50, gan R.W. Ireland a R.I. Ireland. Y mae gylchgrawn yn atgof anhygoel o'r bywyd dyddiol yn y carcel yn ystod oes Fictoria.
Research Materials (14-09-2010)
Documents scanned from private collections.
The extraordinary generosity of two of our members has meant that it has been possible to scan a number of documents from their private collections. One involves a number of papers relating to a series of disputes involving a particular family in the nineteenth century, whilst the other relates to the Rebecca riots and includes some of the threatening letters sent by “Rebecca”. Both give an insight into the social world in which the law operated at the time. It is hoped to mount both of these collections on this site (see our Research Resources page for examples of other archival material) in the near future.
Defnydd Ymchil (14-09-2010)
Scanwyd dogfennau o gasgliadau preifat
Yn ddyledus i ddwy aelodau, mae'n posibl scanio dogfennau o'u casgliadau preifat, gan gwynwys deunydd yn ymwneud a dadleuon teuluol yn 19fed ganrif ac un llythr oddiwrth 'Rebecca.' Y mae'r ddau yn rhoi darlun i mewn i fyd cymdeithasol yr oes. Y mae gobaith cynnwys y ddau yn y fan hon.
2nd Youard Lecture (07-10-2009)
A well attended meeting on 16 June 2009 enjoyed an address by the Treasury Solicitor, Mr Paul Jenkins.
A well attended meeting of the Society in Ty Hywel, Cardiff Bay on 16 June 2009 enjoyed an address by the Treasury Solicitor, Mr Paul Jenkins entitled "'From Charles I to Wallis Simpson: a Brief History of the Treasury Solicitor" on the history and functions of that fascinating office. One fact that he revealed was that he is the legal owner of the Bank of England.
The Society's website was also officially unveiled in a presentation by Nigel Callaghan and Richard W. Ireland.
2il Ddarlith Youard (07-10-2009)
Cynhaliwyd cyfarfod y gymdeithas ar 16 Mehefin 2009 a anerchwyd gan Gyfreithiwr y Trysorlys, Mr Paul Jenkins.
Cynhaliwyd cyfarfod y gymdeithas yn Nhy Hywel, Caerdydd ar 16 Mehefin 2009. Y siaradwr gwadd oedd Mr Paul Jenkins, Cyfreithiwr y Trysorlys a siaradodd ar "From Charles I to Wallis Simpson: a Brief History of the Treasury Solicitor" - crynodeb o hanes a dyletswyddau y swydd diddorol hwnnw. Un ffaith y dadlenwyd ganddo oedd y fe biau'r Banc Lloegr!
Dadlenwyd gwefan newydd y gymdeithas yn ystod y cyfarfod gan Richard W. Ireland a Nigel Callaghan.
Lecture on "The Welsh Triads" (01-07-2008)
On 16th July 2008 the Society joined with the Selden Society which presented a lecture by Dr Sara Elin Roberts of the University of Bangor on "The Welsh Triads"
In an exciting collaboration on 16th July 2008 the Society joined with the Selden Society which presented a lecture by Dr Sara Elin Roberts of the University of Bangor on "The Welsh Triads". This is the subject of Dr Roberts's recent book for which she was awarded the Selden Society's David Yale Prize for 2007.
Darlith ar "The Welsh Triads" (01-07-2008)
Ar 16 Gorffennaf 2008, ymunodd y Gymdeithas â Chymdeithas Seldon mewn cyflwyniad o ddarlith gan Dr Sara Elin Robers o Brifysgol Bangor ar "The Welsh Triads"
Mewn cydweithrediad cyffrous ar 16 Gorffennaf 2008, ymunodd y Gymdeithas â Chymdeithas Seldon i gyflwyno darlith gan Dr Sara Elin Roberts o Brifysgol Bangor ar "The Welsh Triads".
New Publication: law and disorder in Early Modern Wales: Crime and Authority in the Denbighshire Courts, c.1660-1730 (03-06-2008)
This book is based on a detailed study of the court records of the county of Denbighshire in north-east Wales, focusing on the period from 1660 to 1730.
Published as part of the series Studies in Welsh History by the University of Wales Press (Series editors: Ralph A. Griffiths, Eryn White and Chris Williams, ISBN: 978-0-7083-1994-9)
Dr. Sharon Howard is based at the Department of History and Welsh History, University of Wales, Aberystwyth and is the holder of a British Academy Post-doctoral fellowship (2003-6).
Cyhoeddiad newydd: law and disorder in Early Modern Wales: Crime and Authority in the Denbighshire Courts, c.1660-1730 (03-06-2008)
Y mae'r llyfr hwn yn ymwneud â chofnodion llys Sir Ddinbych, rhwng 1660 a 1730.
Wedi'i chyhoeddi fel rhan o'r gyfres Astudiaethau Hanes Cymru, gan Wasg Prifysgol Cymru (Golygion: Ralph A. Griffiths, Eryn White and Chris Williams, ISBN: 978-0-7083-1994-9.
Lleolir Dr Sharon Howard yn Adran Hanes a Hanes Cymru, Prifysgol Aberystwyth, ac mae ganddi Gymrodoriaeth Ol-ddoethuriaeth yr Academi Brydeinig.